
This paper mainly pays attention to the prevailing problems of the causes and consequences of climate change dealt in his fourth novel She Will Build Him a City (2015). burning issues which have been brought forth in all his novels. In each of his five novels he has dealt with the grave issues of contemporary Indian society. He is the Chief Editor of The Indian Express and therefore, is also known as the 'novelist of the newsroom'. Raj Kamal Jha is one of the contemporary creative writers of Indian Literature in English and he draws his novels on the basis of his personal experiences. It also determines the crucial role of women in the formation of the modern nation right after its independence. The present paper attempts to explore the way the modern women of Indian society are fighting for their identity, freedom, happiness and rights rather than silently facing suppression and oppression by the hands of the patriarchal society. By getting out of the shackles of the unhappy marriage, she not only fulfils her own dream of studying further and living life on her own terms but also brings a ray of hope in the life of her mentally handicapped child Riya. Janu or Janaki is symbolic of the "new woman" who is not born to suffer the plight by accepting it as destiny but believes in fighting. The novel begins with the end of marriage of a teenage girl named Janaki (Janu).

Jaishree Misra is an eminent contemporary Indian English writer, whose novel Ancient Promises (2000) deals prominently with the condition of women in the contemporary Indian society.